JP Katakana

This app is specially created with people who are interested in Japanese letters, Katakana in particular.
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The app consists of two parts.
On the one part where you could practice Japanese letters, such as Katakana. On the other part where you could practice Japanese words consisted of Katakana letters.
What is this app like?
In Japan, we are taught how to read and write Katakana during the first grade (Age 6). Once you got it, you would be able to write a letter or mail in Japanese however the face of the mail, that written in Japanese used only Katakana, would be unnatural. The reason why it seems to be bizarre is that Katakana is supposed to be used to basically describe Imported words.
Here is an example.
Let’s say, if you want to say that you ate an omelet this morning.
If you only use Hiragana to write this, it would be
(A) わたし は けさ おむれつ を たべた [watasi wa kesa omuretu wo tabeta].
Then, if you replace some words with Kanji character, it would be
(B) 私 は 今朝 おむれつ を 食べた [watasi wa kesa omuretu wo tabeta].
And then, if you replace an imported word with Katakana, it would be
(C) 私 は 今朝 オムレツ を 食べた [watasi wa kesa omuretu wo tabeta].
Even though the face of (C) is different from the face of (A) and (B), all of them are exactly the same meaning.
As you can see, some words are replaced to Kanji or Katakana character, such as
- わたし or 私, means [ I ].
- けさ or 今朝, means [ this morning ].
- おむれつ or オムレツ, means [ omelet ].
- たべた or 食べた, means [ ate ].
What is difference between (A) and (B) is that 4 words are replace to Kanji characters. And, what is difference between (B) and (C) is that 1 word is replace to Katakana characters. If you see a sentence (C), you will notice that there are some Hiragana letters and wonder why these letters are still written in Hiragana. The answer to your question is that these are the letters that are not replaceable to Kanji and Katakana letters.
What you would see in this app is a list of Katakana letters. If you tap one of those letters, you can practice how to draw its letter. After practicing to draw a single Katakana letter, you would also practice many imported words written in Katakana as well.
Enjoy drawing Katakana letters !

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How to draw line to compose Japanese Letter?
On a drawing area on the practice page of the app, you would see a few icons, such as a star and two types of arrows. You could compose each Japanese letter following these icons.
At the end of stroke, two types of arrows are shown, because a way to stop drawing a line is slightly different, the one is [TOME], the another is [HARAI].
star: This is a starting point to draw a Japanese letter.

[TOME] arrow: It shows that you stop drawing a line, and then take your digital-pen or index finger up.

[HARAI] arrow: It shows that you stop drawing a line, taking your digital-pen or index finger up. This action might be similar to what you may brush dirt off with a brush.